The Macellum Magnum
Los 2095
Nero, 54-68. Dupondius (Orichalcum, 28 mm, 14.93 g, 6 h), Rome, circa 64. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Radiate head of Nero to right. Rev. MAC AVG / S - C / II Façade of the Macellum Magnum: statue of Neptune standing facing on base, prows emerging to left and right, all within cylindrical tetrastyle entrance set on tiered base, upper tristyle story surmounted by ornate conical dome; two-story distyle porch to left; tristyle porch to right. BMC -. CBN 318. Cohen 130. RIC 184. Lovely orichalcum surfaces and with exceptional reverse details. Light die wear on the obverse and with minor traces of cleaning, otherwise, very fine.

Nero completed his great marketplace, the Macellum Magnum, in AD 59. The structure, its façade shown on the reverse of this coin, sat within Regio II on the Caelian Hill and appears to have had a shrine in the central lower area, which contained a statue of Neptune, and which could be accessed by a handful of steps leading up to it. There were two wings jutting outward from either side of of the central shrine, and an upper story which has a magnificently domed central section. The building was partially incorporated into the church of S. Stefano Rotundo during the potificate of Pope Simplicius (AD 468-482).
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